
Doctor Visit Today.

I had made an appointment a week ago with an ear,nose and throat specialist a week ago, because I have excessive saliva, at night and some in the day, that it makes me  nauseated or vomit. I went to the clinic today, I told them I was their to she the Doctor, his name and what I was being seen for. I sat down and waited for about 15 minutes, then they called my name. I followed the nurse back to the room and she game me some papers to fill out, I filled them out , then got up to set them on the counter, not noticing what was on the counter right in front of my eyes. The Doctor came in asked me some questions, he asked me if I had animals, I said yes if I had dranage from my nose going into my troat or out of my nose, if I sneezed, if I had acid reflux, I answered his questions. I said I have three cats and a dog, I had post nasal drip, I have sneezing fits most of the time and I did not have acid reflux. I talked about the medications I took and he asked me if I have ever taken anythi

Talking About My Weight
