Doctor Visit Today.

I had made an appointment a week ago with an ear,nose and throat specialist a week ago, because I have excessive saliva, at night and some in the day, that it makes me nauseated or vomit. I went to the clinic today, I told them I was their to she the Doctor, his name and what I was being seen for. I sat down and waited for about 15 minutes, then they called my name. I followed the nurse back to the room and she game me some papers to fill out, I filled them out , then got up to set them on the counter, not noticing what was on the counter right in front of my eyes. The Doctor came in asked me some questions, he asked me if I had animals, I said yes if I had dranage from my nose going into my troat or out of my nose, if I sneezed, if I had acid reflux, I answered his questions. I said I have three cats and a dog, I had post nasal drip, I have sneezing fits most of the time and I did not have acid reflux. I talked about the medications I took and he asked me if I have ever taken anything for allergies, I said yes, that I had taken Clairton and it did not work for me, he asked me if I have ever used nasal spray, I said no. He then looked at my ears, nose and throat, then put these tweezers in my nose, to open the nasal passage more, then he put some spray in my nose, I asked him what is was for, he said to numb the nasal passage and my throat. He went out for 2 or three minutes came back in, picked up this thing, that was laying on the counter, right in front of my eyes, it did not dawn on me that he was going to put that up my nose into my throat in to my voice box. He picked it up, started putting the tube into my nose, at first I was scared, but when I was thinking, I thought their is no turning back. he was pushing it up my nose into my throat, it did not fill bad, until the tube went into my throat from my nose, I could feel some burning, then when it was in my throat, he told me to take deep breaths, so he could push it down my throat into my vocal cords, he told me to say aww and ee. He was looking at my nose. throat and vocal cords  on this camera screen on the end that he was holding. He looked for a few minutes and then pulled it out, that felt weird. He  said  that he wanted to send me for an allergy blood test and a CT Scan of my head. He gave me the papers to go upstairs to get my blood drawn and schedule the CT scan. I will get the results back for the allergy blood test in a couple of weeks.  This procedure is called a, Nasal Endoscopy and Laryngoscopy.  
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