Talking About My Weight

When I was Born I started out my life being a little chubby, I was around 6 lbs and 11 0z, to me that was not a lot, but my mom said it was. As I grew older I was at normal to chubby  weight,  not over weight, all the way up until I was a teenager, that is when my weight started going up and down until now. In Jr. High and High School,  I would go up and down, from 130 to 160, up and down.  I exercised  three days a week I was on many diets from the time I was very little to now. I was on a strict by my mom, she would limit everything that I ate, The Military Diet, The Slim Fast diet, The not eating anything Diet except for liquid and little food as possible, The Eat Only A Spoonful Of Everything  that is on your plate diet, The Dexatrim Diet, that almost killed me. one day I said enough is a enough and stopped, I thought all this was doing was making me in happy and sick. I went on for years gaining weight, until I reached 360 lbs, and I was so heavy that I could hardly do anything, my joints hurt, my feet and hips hurt and I  eventually got Diabetes, which made me eventually get other illnesses. One day I made an appointment with my doctor, I begged her to do a
Thyroid test on me, she did and my Thyroid was not working right. They put me on medication and I started losing weigh I went from 360 down 330. I then got sick with IBD so I had to start eating Gluten Free., fruits, vegetables, some meat, Fish, Turkey, Chicken, some Dairy, foods with Protein because I did not eat a lot of meat. I learned how to measure food, eat the portions better and I started losing more weight, I got down to 305lbs. I then hit what they call a weight  plateau for months then   it happened again, I finally got over that hurdle, I got down to 293, now I am at 273. I am at another weight plateau again going back and forth from 273lbs to 277lbs. As of today, !0/ 19/17, I weigh 276. I have given myself a goal of 250,  that is 27lbs more by January 1ST, 2018. I hope I achieve my goal.


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